A Pain Free Life

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A pain free life can potentially be achieved by following the Dr Fitness USA proprietary prescription strength training system.

Living with chronic pain is no laughing matter. For those who have never suffered from it, the  challenges it causes can be impossible to understand. Chronic pain makes everyday tasks difficult, causing a sufferer to potentially lose their job, put strain on relationships, and destroy the quality of their life. Some chronic pains clear up in a matter   of weeks or months, others are lifelong. Some have a defined cause that can be treated with medication and or alternative modalities, others are mysterious and, though the symptoms can be treated, the cause cannot be pinpointed to fight them. This means that anything that can potentially lead to a pain free life becomes welcome. Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols have been proven to alleviate many cases of chronic pain, resulting in improving one’s quality of life overtime and enjoying a pain free life.

Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols address problems at the source, focusing on stress management by rebuilding the body from a structural standpoint, addressing postural realignment to relieve compression on the spine, strengthening the nervous system, and quieting the mind, thus allowing the body a safe place to recover and heal itself. Dr Fitness USA’s protocols also differentiate women and men’s needs in training, by educating men and women alike about the Yin and Yang of strength training for sustainability and injury prevention.

Here are some of the most common pain syndromes addressed through the Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols


Dr Fitness USA’s strength training formulas are balanced, much like a yoga master sees the body as a whole rather than in pieces, which insures the harmonious release of tense or sore muscle spasms by working the body correctly and avoiding muscle wasting disorders caused by exercising  incorrectly. This is ideal for people who suffer from fibromyalgia, endometriosis, auto-immune disorders, delayed onset muscle soreness, chronic fatigue syndrome, and muscular knots and tensions.


  • Relieve muscle soreness
  • Remove tension
  • Restore flexibility
  • Improve sensation and strength.
  • It will also loosen the whole muscle chain and take pressure off the area where the pain is located.


Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols has proven beneficial for back pains, arthritis, and other joint problems. When it comes to joint pains, the formulas focus on improving posture first and foremost. Chronic joint pain can be caused or worsened by poor posture. To improve your posture, Dr Fitness USA’s routines focus on building up the muscles in your back, shoulders, neck, and thighs, pulling your body upright and into a healthy position. It can also help taking stress off the joints  by  developing opposing muscles and stretching tight ligaments, giving stiff joints extra mobility, which can help in relieving pain.


When an injury is involved, Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols focus on strengthening the synergistic muscles around the injury, rather than the injury itself. The end goal is to take pressure away from the injury itself and to teach the body to move in ways that prevents aggravating the injury, which improves chances of recovery.


Many people suffer chronic pain, not due to an injury or an obvious physical problem, but due to neurological problems. This means that many sufferers give up hope on finding appropriate treatment, falsely assuming that if there is no known target to treat, nothing can be done to help. The reality is, Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols can alleviate the pain experienced by people with invisible pains. It will get the body moving in a way that promotes the growth of new, healthy, nerve endings. They may replace damaged nerve endings and relieve pain as well as creating new neurons in the brain. Dr Fitness USA’s strength training protocols also promote the release of dopamine and serotonin hormones, which create a sensation of pleasure and comfort. This may prove soothing to someone who endures constant pain. Increasing one’s strength from 20% to 50%, provides a great sense of self-esteem; the mind becomes very still and the body has a opportunity to heal itself.

Always remember to consult with your doctor before beginning any sort of exercise regime.


Batista Gremaund

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